Allergies and cold season are still upon us! As a reminder, we would like to outline the ways in which you can help all students stay healthy and areas in which we would like you to keep your child at home, to prevent spreading illnesses:
Fever of 100 or more: keep your child home for 24 hours after the fever goes away.
Vomiting or diarrhea: Please keep them home and for at least 24 hours after the symptoms go away.
Rash: Please check with your family physician before sending your child to school. A note upon return from the doctor is helpful.
Strep Throat: Please keep your student home for at least 48 hours after antibiotics have been administered.
Pink Eye: Please keep your student home for at least 24 hours after medicine has been administered.
Uncontrollable Cough/Green mucus/fever: Please keep your child at home.