Upcoming Events

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A Welcome from the principal

Welcome to Banta Elementary and  Banta Charter Schools.  Banta prides itself on being a place that supports the positive growth of every student. We are committed to providing both academic and social-emotional support for our students. We want all students to experience success and to have a purposeful and meaningful connection to our faculty and staff. We are looking forward to providing your child with a challenging, engaging, memorable, and meaningful educational experience.

Our partnership with our families and community is an integral part of the success of Banta. We encourage you to become involved through our Parent-Faculty Association (PFA), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), LCAP Committee, or by volunteering to work in our classrooms or library. Your feedback and support are essential to our continued improvement. I am excited about the partnerships we will build this school year.  

The Banta staff is talented, hardworking, and committed to ensuring all students receive a solid academic foundation. We continue to focus on developing 21st-century skills, fostering a safe, positive, and nurturing environment for children, and maintaining the highest expectations for our students and ourselves.

We look forward to working together, staff, students, parents, and the community, to continue the legacy of excellence established at Banta.

Please call if you have any questions or concerns

District Office: 209-229-4651
Banta Elementary: 209-229-4650
You can also email with any questions or concerns:
[email protected]